Operations & Team Management

Candidates must combine personnel leadership skills, business acumen, sales and account management abilities and – of course – a deep understanding of the production process from start to finish.

Top operations leaders are tough to find: candidates who bring together a diverse set of business skills.

Adaptive Globalization has filled positions from PM Team Lead to Global Operations Director, and has the network to present qualified candidates whose business background, customer knowledge and leadership experience match the specific requirements of your LSP.

Our candidate networks span Senior PMs running 3-man teams to Business Unit Directors leading multi-country production teams for some of the largest language agencies in the world.

Financial Experience
We match our search to fit client needs, seeking out candidates with relevant experience managing budgets and overseeing revenues. We've filled production leadership positions for small businesses and LSPs generating hundreds of millions in turnover.

Technical Know-how
Sometimes business management skills aren't enough. When roles demand technical operations knowledge, Adaptive focuses on candidates who have risen through the LSP production ranks building the right hands-on experience.

Sales Skills
Production isn't about maintaining the status quo - it's about delighting customers and building partnerships. We investigate candidates' client-facing experience along with their day-to-day operations skills.

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Teamleitung Projektmanagement

50-60000 EUR je nach Erfahrung und Qualifikationen
Teamleitung Projektmanagement Deine Aufgaben: Als Teamleitung übernimmst du die fachliche und disziplinarische Führung des Teams und trägst die Verantwortung für alle organisatorischen und administrativen Angelegenheiten sowie den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg des Teams entsprechend den Unternehmenszielen. Du repräsentierst dein Team und das Unternehmen nach außen, zum Beispiel bei Meetings, Messen oder Kundenbesuchen, und trittst dabei professionell und sicher auf. Du führst regelmäßig Mitarbeitergespräche und Teambesprechungen durch, setzt dabei die passenden Moderationstechniken ein und verfolgst die Umsetzung von Maßnahmen und Zielen. Du unterstützt dein Team in beratender Funktion, klärst inhaltliche und methodische Fragen und trägst so zum Erfolg der Projekte bei. Du sorgst dafür, dass deinem Team die nötigen Ressourcen zur Verfügung stehen, und bist für die kontinuierliche Qualifizierung der Mitarbeitenden verantwortlich. Du organisierst und optimierst die Arbeitsabläufe, überwachst das Budget und stellst sicher, dass Arbeitsanweisungen eingehalten werden. Du entwickelst und implementierst Strategien zur Verbesserung der Effizienz und Produktivität und fungierst als Treiber für Innovationen. Als Informationsschnittstelle des Teams berichtest du die Ergebnisse direkt an die Geschäftsleitung und stehst dieser sowie anderen Abteilungen als Ansprechpartner zur Verfügung. Dein Profil: Ausgeprägte Führungs- und Kommunikationsfähigkeiten Berufserfahrung in einer leitenden Position in der Sprachdienstleistungsbranche (Es ist notwendig) Ein abgeschlossenes Studium in Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Management oder eine vergleichbare Qualifikation wäre ideal Selbstsicheres Auftreten und Durchsetzungsvermögen Hohe Eigeninitiative und Verantwortungsbewusstsein Selbstständige, zuverlässige und lösungsorientierte Arbeitsweise Sicherer Umgang mit MS-Office-Produkten und CRM-Tools Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift (C1), weitere Sprachkenntnisse sind von Vorteil #LI-CP1 #LI-remote  

Read our Blogs

12. 09. 2024

Managing Expectations: Key Considerations for Hiring Leads in an Evolving Job Market

Hiring the right talent is a challenging task, especially in today’s fast-evolving job market. Many hiring leads hold strong opinions about what makes an ideal candidate, but these expectations sometimes be counterproductive. Below, we address several common concerns and offer alternative perspectives that can help hiring leads approach recruitment more strategically and effectively. 1. “I do not want to hire anyone who has not stayed in their role for at least two years.” Long tenures are considered a sign of stability and loyalty, but the job market has changed dramatically. Studies show that many professionals, particularly younger generations like Millennials and Gen Z, change jobs more frequently than previous generations. In fact, the average tenure of sales people is 18-24 months, and this is not necessarily a sign of instability. Moreover we are experiencing one of the most turbulent job markets in nearly 20 years with Covid, Tech layoff’s and the rise of AI leading to even the most talented people being laid-off a couple of times over the last 4 years. Our solution Rather than focusing solely on tenure, it’s essential to assess the quality of the work they accomplished during their time at each company and evaluate the previous employers stability. A short tenure in one role may have allowed them to gain diverse experiences or work in fast-paced environments where adaptability is key. 2. “Good performers do not get made redundant.” A common misconception and one of the most frustrating judgements made by hiring managers. Even high performers are sometimes impacted by factors outside their control, such as company restructuring, economic downturns, or industry-wide layoffs. For example, during the pandemic, 60% of workers globally considered quitting or were laid off, regardless of performance. Redundancies often have more to do with organizational priorities or budget cuts than individual performance. Our Solution Instead, explore their contributions in previous roles and ask about the context of the layoffs. In some cases, these individuals may bring valuable resilience and experience gained from navigating challenging environments. Asking specific questions at interview and utilizing references both formal and informal help present a more complete picture of a candidates performance. 3. “A jumpy CV makes me nervous, so I want to keep the position open longer.” A CV that shows frequent job changes can indeed be a red flag, but context is crucial. While a "jumpy" CV might make a hiring lead hesitant, it's important to delve into the reasons behind the moves. Perhaps the candidate was pursuing opportunities for growth, working in high-turnover industries, or facing personal challenges. With 45% of workers globally actively seeking new opportunities, frequent changes are not uncommon. Our Solution Consider conducting a deeper interview to understand why the candidate moved between roles and what they learned in each position. Delaying hiring because of assumptions about a CV can cause you to miss out on candidates who could be a perfect fit for the role. 4. “The candidate will not share some of their results, so I will not take them forward.” While transparency is important, there are legitimate reasons why candidates might not disclose certain details about their previous work. Many candidates work on confidential projects or under strict NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements) that prevent them from sharing specific metrics or results. In such cases, it’s essential to assess their overall approach, problem-solving skills, and how they describe their contributions in general terms. Our Solution Instead of immediately disqualifying candidates, ask them to explain their processes, methodologies, or team dynamics in ways that do not violate confidentiality. Their ability to explain the steps they took to achieve success can be just as valuable as sharing exact numbers. Conclusion Hiring leads need to be open to adapting their expectations to the realities of today’s job market. By focusing more on the quality of a candidate’s experience, flexibility, and adaptability, rather than adhering to traditional benchmarks, hiring managers can make more informed decisions and ultimately build stronger teams.
11. 06. 2022

How to have a boost in productivity - working from home edition!

Working from home has become the norm for many of us during the pandemic and it looks like it might just be here to stay for a lot us too! It’s great to have the flexibility that comes with working from home, but it’s also a totally different ballgame and something that we need to adapt to as it certainly comes with its challenges. Whether you’re a work from home pro or are still struggling to get accustomed to this new way of life, here are some top tips and reminders to help keep productivity high on a work from home day without compromising your wellbeing: 1.     Try to get into a routine. It can sometimes be tempting to sleep in on a home office day and just roll out of bed and get straight into work, but it’s far more beneficial to get into a routine and have time to mentally prepare yourself for the day ahead. It’s also nice to have some time to yourself before diving into work. Use the time that you would usually spend commuting in a positive way, you could try yoga, meditation or even just spending extra time treating yourself to a lovely breakfast! Did someone say pancakes?2.     Create your designated workspace. Whether you have an office room or not, you should avoid working from your bed or sofa as these should be your spaces for relaxation. Try to create a working space with a desk/table and a comfortable chair and make it YOURS, add items to make it an enjoyable space to be in, this could be your favourite plant or some artwork but try to keep clutter to a minimum because, after all, a tidy space = a tidy mind!3.     Don’t overwhelm yourself. Making a plan for each day can be really valuable and help to give your day some structure but be realistic about the how much you can get done. Make your to-do lists reasonable and be flexible! If you give yourself too many tasks to complete in one day, the thought of even starting the first task can be so daunting that you’ll be more likely to procrastinate and have to rush through your tasks later on. Figure out what works for you for instance, some people like to work to a schedule and adopt time management practices such as the Pomorodo Technique (work for 25 minute intervals, followed by a 5-10 minute break).4.     Take a proper break! When you’re working from home, it can be strangely easy to just keep working through lunch and not step away from your desk for a proper break and change of scenery, but studies have actually shown that taking time away from your desk can directly increase productivity and creativity! Going for a walk or spending time outside is even better for your well-being, soak up that Vitamin D!5.     Hydration, hydration, hydration. Okay, you’ve heard this 100 times before but it never hurts to be reminded. An easy way to ensure that you’re drinking enough water is to buy a time marked water bottle. Fill it up in the morning, set yourself a challenge and make sure that you finish it before the end of the day. You might just notice that your concentration is better, and it will help to keep headaches at bay, particularly when you’re on screens all day!6.     Limit distractions. Of course, we can’t always control everything but do try to control what you can. If you have a particularly demanding project or are under time constraints, you could try removing distractions; let friends/family know not to disturb you, close the door, put your phone on airplane mode or in another room and switch off that TV!7.     Try a productivity tool/app. Utilising productivity tools can be the extra push that you need; they give you incentives and motivate you and there are so many to choose from! Try an app such as Forest, where you plant a virtual tree that takes, for example, ten minutes to grow, and if you can stay off your phone long enough, the tree will finish growing and be added to your on-screen forest, but if you return to your phone too fast, the tree withers and dies. It’s a light-hearted way to avoid digital distractions and gives you a sense of satisfaction! What tips do you have to stay productive at home?
11. 06. 2021

Occupational Burnout - Recognizing the signs

“Self-care has become a new priority – the revelation that it’s perfectly permissible to listen to your body and do what it needs.” ― Frances Ryan Burnout - lets talk about it!It’s one of those subjects that often gets mentioned, but never really discussed. I think it’s time to change that.I am actually quite surprised that in today’s day and age it has not been classified as a medical condition yet, because let’s face it – it is.Burnout is very popular and happens more often than people would like to admit. It’s that state of mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion, caused by prolonged, work-related stress. In order to come up with ways of avoiding it, let’s break down the definition to see how each of the factors can be FIXED!Emotional exhaustionEmotional exhaustion is a state of feeling emotionally worn out and drained. This can be easily improved by ensuring we eat right, take technology breaks, meet with our friends, and of course exercise. Yes, many people could argue that exercise is a suggested remedy for almost everything nowadays, but in this case it is true. Exercise releases chemical endorphins to the brain which triggers a positive feeling in your body. So there, we have proof that going for a run or taking that HIIT class is worth it!Mental exhaustionMental exhaustion is similar, but the symptoms can be more severe, as the person experiencing this feeling starts to be detached, showing apathy towards their work colleagues and the work itself. The first thing to do if possible is to remove the stressor. If it is an overwhelming task at work, perhaps speak to your Supervisor – see if they could offer you some help. Don’t feel that you have to go through this alone.Again, try to eat well and stay active, but also practice relaxation techniques like yoga, massage, or mindfulness – all scientifically recognized to lower stress and anxiety.Physical exhaustionPhysical exhaustion is an extreme state of unrelenting fatigue and sometimes it can be brought on by the previously mentioned mental exhaustion. Being in this state can cause dizziness, chronic tiredness, and headaches, which if untreated can lead to moodiness, slow reflexes or even bad judgement/decision making.Get some sleep! Clocking in your 7 - 9 hours of sleep a night can restore well-being. Set aside some time each day to stretch and try eating foods that improve your energy level, like nuts, fish, and cheese. Magnesium is an essential mineral to promote a healthy nervous system, energy production, and for muscle relaxation.Also, if you ever notice that someone around you is starting to display any of the above signs, see if they are ok, offer them help. Trust me, it will make their day!